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4 Best Strategies for Leading Your Kids Spiritually

(what you do in your home counts a lot!)

February 21, 2022

4 Best Strategies for Leading Your Kids Spiritually

Parenting is the most challenging job in the world. It's not just about providing food, shelter, and clothing for your kids; it's also about shaping their character to reflect Christ's light. But how can parents have time to lead their children spiritually? There are many ways to do this. The Bible tells us that we should teach our children the difference between right and wrong and remind them of God's promises to guide them. There are many ways to do this, but which one works best for your child? Let's go over both of these questions and give you five tools to move forward and how to lead your family in a spiritual way.

I know it's challenging to find the time, but parents can and should be their kids' spiritual leaders. We all need someone in our lives who believes in us when times get tough--a mentor or guide for life's journey with wisdom on how best to navigate through each day. YOU must be available to be that person for your children. But ... how?

PLAN one-on-one time with your child. This focused time with them is something that you should do for the sake of your child's future. It will help them become better adults and may provide some insulation against negative influences in their lives. When you spend time alone with your child, the two of you will become besties. You'll also learn things that would never happen if there were other people around, and we're not just talking about secrets: The conversations can be profound!

Some days, it is hard to be their parent. Sometimes you feel like they are always in the mood for one thing, and there seems to never end at other times! Hanging out with your child communicates directly that not only do you care about what they need because of how much time you spend together. It also values their desires which makes me happy each day, knowing everything will work itself out eventually without getting too frustrated or sad when things don't go according to plan.

Hey- I understand what this means for parents because it's always hard when someone new comes into our lives but remember how much closer those friendships feel? It sounds crazy to think we may grow apart as adults, so please don't let them do any such thing - stay connected no matter where life takes you.

As we journey through each stage of our children’s development, we can point them toward spiritual markers that will help them find true faith

Notice your child's spiritual questions and experiences.

You may be surprised to learn that your child has spiritual questions and experiences. Oh, they have many, even though they may not be aware of it. What do you think their motives are for asking these things? Are some more serious than others, or is there a theme that runs through everything like religion/my faith in God (or lack thereof)?

You might want to ask them if any specific experience stands out; maybe something happened at church yesterday-the sermon seemed relevant! Listen well when they ask questions about God, heaven and hell- these are all part of better understanding in this life!

Some children are spiritually curious, even if you don't think they should be. If your child has a question that concerns them and other family members do not address it - answer the inquiry without fear of judgment. The topic can range from why people believe in different religions to how death will happen during their lives; there isn't one concrete answer for every person so take time before giving an outside response on these types of questions because silence may make matters worse!

Every time your child asks a question, answer it sincerely.

Focus on the Family's Larry Fowler makes a great statement about this:

"While most of us enjoy teaching toddlers fun Bible stories, we can’t stop there. Early childhood materials may solely emphasize how “Jesus is your friend.” Warm fuzzy feelings build affection for Jesus, but they don’t build the foundation for spiritual wisdom. Awe, wonder and respectful fear of God lay that groundwork." ​

You may not know the answers to many of your child's questions. However, a curt "I don't know" or "Nobody knows" shuts down any conversation. It can discourage them from speaking with you in future about this subject matter if they become confused again by something else unexpected. It's essential for parents who lack knowledge on particular topics such as faith development to discuss these tough subjects together so our children will grow into solid believers without getting lost along the way!

Make spiritually supportive communities available so that children can discover their own identity and be accepted.

A sense of spirituality should be an integral part of every kid's life, but currently, it's not being taught at all! We need to provide opportunities for kids who might feel lost or different by teaching them about rituals they may have never heard before. Many people do prayer or meditation without realizing the impact these actions could make on someone else; those communities will help young adults learn how vital connection with oneself truly is when navigating relationships during adulthood (and also help parents!).

Model what it means to have faith.

Encourage and value any values and behaviours inspired by Jesus Christ by MODELING them! Help them understand that with the power of God's redemption, they are not alone - He is always there with them no matter how far or near their broken hearts may feel at any given time!

It isn't just about praying at dinner and making your kids read the Bible or having a family devotional, but you know that. It is about living out what it means to be a follower of Jesus in your speech, in your attitude, in the kitchen, in the car, and in your lives.

The best way to help your children become a follower of Christ, how to help your child grow spiritually, and understand the importance of their faith is by modelling your own behaviours. Show them what it means when they do something, or say things like "I am thankful for", and tell us about ways that God has redeemed our broken hearts in Christ!

The most powerful message we can convey as parents wanting nothing more than seeing people grow into followers. All solid Christians come through modelled lives--modelling themselves after Jesus (however imperfectly) with His power and His influence through US ... if we let Him.

And here, parent, is your call to action!

Be the person your kids need you to be. If they are asking questions, answer them with honesty and integrity. Connect them with supportive people who will help guide their spiritual journey in whatever way is best for them. Model faithfulness by praying so that they can see God's light is shining through you every day of the week! You might find yourself developing a deeper relationship with your child than ever before while also serving as an example of what it means to have faith - no matter how challenging life gets.

Don't wait another minute; get started today!