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4 Ways to Supercharge Your Family Devotionals

April 4, 2023

4 Ways to Supercharge Your Family Devotionals

One of the greatest gifts parents can give their children is a love for Jesus. Christian parents are responsible for teaching their children about the Lord and His teachings. One way to do this is by having regular family devotions throughout the year. Family devotionals allow everyone to connect with God, deepening each family member’s relationship with the Lord.

Family devotionals can start simple and become more involved as each family member matures in their faith. They could begin by reading a bible story or biblical passage and discussing it together, followed by prayer. With older children, the devotionals may include an interactive activity such as writing down blessings they’ve received or drawing pictures representing the bible story.

As families come together to reflect and grow in their faith, parents can try out new ideas that will make everyone feel even more connected with Jesus. From creative activities to thought-provoking discussions, here are 4 amazing ways to boost your family's devotionals! As families grow in their devotionals, parents can add different aspects that help foster a love for Jesus and His teachings. Let's look at four:


A journaling component is an excellent way to encourage children to learn more about God and reflect on their discussion during family devotions.

Another way of "journaling" during family during devotional time is to write down one thing you love about Jesus or one of His attributes. This can be a great way to remind children how big and powerful our Lord is. Reminding them of His power can help them as they grow by giving them strength, joy and encouragement to live for Him.

Music & Creativity

Music can also help children recognize the beauty of scripture and understand its deeper meaning. Family devotionals could also include a time for worshipping God together. Singing praises or praying out loud are all excellent ways to experience His presence. If you don’t feel comfortable leading these activities, you can look for worship music or guided prayer resources online.

Family devotionals are an incredible way to enrich your child’s faith, providing them with the tools they need to grow closer to God. Creating a routine of devotionals throughout the year is a great way to keep everyone excited about spending time together.

For example, Psalm 100 is an easy-to-remember song that can be used for a family sing along. Another excellent and memorable scripture to use with music is the Lord’s Prayer in Luke 11:2–4.

Here is a wonderful, creative version in The Message that says it quite simply!

Community with Consistency

Family devotionals should be an enjoyable experience for all involved. Taking the time together as a family to connect with God and celebrate His presence will help children develop a strong faith and bring their families closer together. As children grow up with a deep love for Jesus, they will have the foundation to live out their faith in every aspect of life!


For example, having a family devotion time each day can help make faith an integral part of daily life. Have everyone take turns reading the Bible and engaging in conversation about the passage. Then, pray together as a family for any particular needs or requests. This provides a great opportunity to spend quality time with one another and lift up God’s name together.


Another example is to enjoy a special family devotion time on the weekends. This could include attending church together, cooking up a Sunday breakfast and reading from the Bible, or doing an activity like taking a walk in nature with discussion about God’s creation. These activities will help everyone to remember that God is at work even when everyday life gets busy and overwhelming. No matter what the activity, family devotionals should always be a time to reflect on God’s goodness and spend quality time with one another.

Join with Your Sunday School

You can even use the same topics that their Sunday school teachers are covering or have them share what they’ve been learning about in Sunday school during your devotional time. Doing this will help the family stay connected to their church community and foster a more profound knowledge of Jesus. This can be a powerful way to supercharge your family’s excitement for Jesus!

Making time for family devotions throughout the year can be an incredible way to ignite or rekindle excitement for Jesus among your family members. Taking turns leading the devotionals, adding music and interactive activities, journaling or following your Sunday school's topics as a family are all ways to make devotional time more meaningful. With regular practice, your children will grow in their faith and be equipped for a life of serving and worshipping our Lord!

Family devotionals are a fantastic opportunity for families to connect with God and grow in their faith. Cultivating an environment that encourages a love for Jesus will help children develop a strong foundation in their faith and ignite or rekindle excitement for Him among each member of your family!

Ultimately, family devotionals should be a time of joy and excitement as each family member learns more about Christ and grows closer together in their faith. By having regular devotionals throughout the year, families can supercharge their excitement for Jesus- while growing in understanding and knowledge of God’s Word. So don’t wait to get started- begin your family devotional journey today!

This article was written to provide parents with an understanding of how family devotionals throughout the year can supercharge their excitement for Jesus and give them a deeper relationship with Him. Parents could embrace this opportunity to teach their children about the Lord and His teachings. Family devotionals offer a way for each family member to connect with God. With regular devotionals, families can look forward to growing in understanding of His Word and in love for Jesus. Through these activities, children will develop a strong faith that will equip them for a lifetime of serving and worshipping our Lord!

Ultimately, family devotions are an opportunity to deepen your relationship with God and grow in His knowledge. By creating an atmosphere of joy and excitement through sharing interactive games and activities, families can supercharge their love for Jesus. As children grow up with a strong foundation in faith, they will be equipped to live out their faith in every area of life! So don’t wait- start your family devotional journey today and experience the joys that come with it!

Let us help you start with our Golden Thread Devotionals - 52 weekly family devotionals that follow a journey from Genesis to Revelation. Golden Thread Devotionals provide an incredible resource for families to spark or rekindle a love for Jesus, grow in understanding of His Word, and strengthen their faith. This devotional program comes with easy-to-follow instructions and family activities that bring the Bible to life. Join Golden Thread Devotionals today and take your family on a faith journey!

Together, let us inspire each other to supercharge our families’ excitement for Jesus and equip them for a life of serving and worshipping our Lord! Start your family journey and supercharge your family devotionals today.