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Sunday School:

Why it Matters

and Why It Still Works

James 1:22-24, 2 Timothy 3:16

March 7, 2023

Sunday School:

Why it Matters and Why It Still Works!

Sunday school is a tradition in many Christian churches. It's been around for centuries, and it has changed from its original purpose to the way we know it today. In this little post, I'm going to tell you everything you need to know about Sunday school, including why it matters and why it still works!

Sunday school is not just one thing. It has changed over time, and it will continue to change once the needs seem different in our communities or new technologies are introduced that could help us do things differently, You can find Sunday school in many Christian churches, where children from the age of four to twelve gather together with a teacher or group of teachers and learn about God's Word.

The main difference between Sunday school and other activities for kids is that they're learning Bible stories, memorizing verses and going over principles to prepare them for their week as young believers. All while still having fun! They also meet new friends who share similar interests, which makes it easier to connect on another level. But ultimately, the goal of Sunday school is to help children understand who Jesus is and how they can have a relationship with God.

Sunday schools are beneficial because the lessons taught in churches aren't always easy for kids to grasp, especially if they don't pay attention during the sermons or ask questions afterwards. Teachers are then responsible for engaging their students by ensuring that each lesson relates to them, whether they are stories from the Old Testament highlighting God's relationship with His creation or one of Jesus' parables. This way, children connect what was said earlier on throughout different parts of the Bible and in ways that help them draw closer to Jesus.

When you think about your own experience at church growing up, do you remember being excited about Sunday school every week? If so, you can understand why many churches decide to keep this tradition going. Sunday school is super important because it helps kids develop relationships with other people in the church and teaches them about God's Word, which will affect their future decisions. If you can't relate to this, think back and remember how you felt when you started going to church or Sunday school. Is it a memorable experience? Did you learn about Jesus' love and how to treat others (besides singing about it)? I do hope so.

But even though Sunday school is still relevant for many today, it's not just about rehashing only Bible stories anymore. Many educational companies have come up with different Biblically-based curriculums that teachers can use in churches to help teachers engage their students on a new level while preparing them for the real world! There are so many reasons why Sunday school matters and why it continues to work. But here comes your quick homework ... write down three of each: reasons Sunday school matters, things you learn in Sunday School and examples of how "Sunday School" has changed over time. Then read on!

Why Sunday School Matters:

The history behind this tradition shows us how important teaching young children God's Word is. The goal of Sunday school remains the same, but knowing why it matters allows us to understand how we can keep doing what works while continuing to improve on our approach!

When we connect with our faith at an early age, it often becomes the foundation for who we become. In this complex world that demands so much from us (and offers very little in return), a haven where children have a sanctuary to worship is genuinely needed. Families heal together through learning opportunities tailored just for them-it's important now more than ever to have core beliefs upon which you can rely no matter what life throws your way or how scary things seem right now.

"Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear! Those who hear and don’t act are like those who glance in the mirror, walk away, and two minutes later have no idea who they are, what they look like."

James 1:22-24, MSG

James 1:22 teaches, "But be doers of the word and not hearers only." Learning without action is incomplete. Sunday school equips young believers to know truth so they can live it out in every area of their lives - including how they speak to others with kindness or act when someone does something wrong! Ultimately, it helps them remember who they are after they walk away from the mirror ...

Why Sunday School Still Works:

There are many ways that children learn in church, and some churches choose not only to teach their students about Bible stories or Jesus' life but also to go over different principles which will help them make better decisions based on God's word.

While Sunday school used to be more focused on memorizing verses and telling each other great jokes during games (just kidding - I hope lol), there has been a shift towards teaching kids new things with a Biblical curriculum. Some tools use technology (iPads etc.) for educational purposes instead of throwing a colouring book of Bible stories at them. As I mentioned before, Sunday school is still relevant, and the goal remains the same, but now we can utilize technology to help us engage our students in a new way.

"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness ..."

2 Timothy 3:16

"It hearts my heart," a Sunday school teacher from Arkansas ponders. "It hurts my heart to see so many curriculums (most of them- especially the popular ones) be so focused on morality rather than Christ. Without Christ, it is impossible to truly be moral! I feel so sad when I see churches focusing on "responsibility" and "generosity" at church rather than JUST JESUS- if we teach what Jesus has done, "morality" will come! It will! The answer is Jesus. And yet so many focus on everything else. I don't think many people nowadays have any idea what is truly in the Bible, and that is so sad to me.

Sunday School CAN help kids learn true life Bible stories and/or memorize verses which will affect their future decisions as Christians since they'll know what God's word says before making choices for themselves! There are many ways that children learn in church, and some churches choose to teach their students about Bible stories or Jesus' life and go over different principles that will help them make better decisions based on God's Word ... based on JESUS.


Sunday school even "worked" during the pandemic -- and largely because of it. Mark Wingfield reported, "We’ve known for a long time that the way to build large churches is to support small groups within the larger body. People need personal connections." And this was just as great as the climate of the world changed and technology shifted.

iPads, and iPods, and iThings - oh my! While Sunday school used to be more focused on memorizing verses and telling each other great jokes during games (just kidding), there has been a shift towards teaching kids new things with a Biblical curriculum. Some tools use technology (iPads etc.) for educational purposes instead of throwing a colouring book of Bible stories at them! As I mentioned before, Sunday school is still relevant, and the goal remains the same, but now we can utilize technology to help us engage our students in a new way.

Sunday School DOES help kids learn Bible stories and memorize verses which will affect their future decisions as Christians since they'll know what God's word says before making choices for themselves! There are many ways that children learn in church, and some churches choose to teach their students about Bible stories or Jesus' life and go over different principles that will help them make better decisions based on God's word.

Yes, Sunday school is a tradition in many Christian churches. It's been around for centuries, and it has changed from its original purpose to the way we know it today. In this post, I told you everything I personally think you need to know about Sunday school, including why it matters and why it still works! Are you interested in learning more about this topic or want your children involved in Sunday School but aren't sure where to start? The Scripture Scout Christian Resources (specifically The Supercharged Sunday School) has created an entire curriculum called Sleuth for the Truth that will help get your kids excited about finding Jesus in ALL parts of God's Word (even the Old Testament!). Try out our free sample lesson Your Mission to Sleuth for the Truth: FIND THE GOLDEN THREAD here on our website before investing, so there are no surprises!

We hope you found this post informative and inspiring. While Sunday school has changed over the centuries, it still retains its original purpose of providing children with an opportunity to learn about Jesus. Teaching kids is a big responsibility that can be scary at times, but we encourage you not to get overwhelmed by these challenges. Be the teacher your students need you to be, the teacher GOD needs you to be ... one who knows that His Son, Jesus, is truly The Golden Thread tying together everything you teach them about His Word.