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5 ways to Make Your SUMMER Sunday School More Fun for Kids

June 5, 2023

5 ways to Make Your SUMMER

Sunday School More Fun for Kids

(without relying on VBS!)

I'ma-gonna makes this short since it's summer, and you probably have a LOT on your hands!

Summer Sunday school can be an excellent way for Christian kids to connect with God and each other. It provides an opportunity to learn about Jesus and His teachings from the Bible and encourages fellowship and social connections among students. Unfortunately, summer Sunday school can often become stale or boring for kids who have already gone through the same lessons multiple times. To make the experience more fun and engaging for the kids, here are five ways to make summer Sunday school a blast - and I'll also point you toward some resources to assist you!

Incorporate Fun Games - Incorporate some fun games into your lesson plan that directly relate to your teaching. For example, if you're going over God's Ten Commandments, have students break up into teams and race to see who can list them in order first! Not only will it encourage competition and participation among students, but it'll also help them better remember the material being taught.

Take Trips Outside the Classroom - Take trips outside of the classroom with your Sunday school class a few times throughout the summer months. This activity could be a field trip to church or another sacred spot, a picnic in the park, or even an outdoor Bible scavenger hunt. Having the kids interact with each other and explore their faith in real-life settings will create lasting memories and strengthen their bond with God.

Encourage Hands-On Learning - Get creative with your activities! Have students make collages of everything they're thankful for, draw pictures depicting what Jesus' parables mean to them, write short skits about Bible stories they've learned, etc. Allowing students to learn the material through art projects and roleplay encourages more meaningful engagement with the material being taught than simply reading from a book or listening to lectures.

Promote Silliness - A little silliness will help make your lessons much more fun and memorable for kids. For example, you can have the kids dress up in silly costumes or playfully act out Bible stories through dramatizations. As long as it's all done in good taste, a little silliness is what your Sunday school needs to get the students excited about learning!

Plan Special Event Activities - Planning special events like 4th of July parties or Easter egg hunts are great ways to bring extra joy into your summer Sunday school sessions. Plus, they'll give the kids something exciting to look forward to each week that ties into their faith! Be sure to incorporate some sign-up at these events to keep in touch with the parents and students throughout the summer.

Speaking of special events! THIS is one of my favourite activities we have for the summer in our resources!

Making Sunday school more fun doesn't have to be complicated - try out some of these ideas to get your students excited about learning! And remember to plan that special 4th of July event: it'll be an excellent way for kids to deepen their faith and bond with each other.

Was that short enough? I know you're busy! Have a happy and blessed summer!